
Let’s start with the basics – a desk, a chair, a computer, a printer, software, a mobile phone, landline and stationery. This list of basics should be a great start for most home offices and then as you progress, you’ll work out what you need and what’s unique to your work.
Storage is also handy to have, allowing you to pack away your work at the end of the day and week without a constant reminder of work.
A dedicated work space
Having a dedicated work space is not essential, but it can make a big difference to your productivity and happiness. Being able to work uninterrupted, make phone calls or have video conferences in peace, read documents or listen to audio or video without distraction can make a home office or business much more attractive.
It’s also a place where you can leave your work ready for your next day, without having to pack it all up each time you log off.
High speed internet
In the modern workplace, reliable high speed internet access is a must. Whether you’re logging into an office server remotely or you’re uploading files and researching online, you will need high speed internet access.
If you’re starting out and you don’t know what you will need, talk with your internet provider and research the available plans. You may be able to use your mobile data at the start before upgrading to a more reliable and secure connection.
A handy tip is to talk with your neighbours and friends for recommendations on providers and plans.
An office coffee machine
Having an easy to use, functional and stylish coffee machine is a must have when setting up a home office.
Working from home means it’s not always easy to pop out to the local coffee shop for a morning espresso or an afternoon latte. Making sure you have the right equipment at home to keep you happy and productive is essential.
Investing in a compact, coffee machine that can make your favourite coffee at the touch of a button really is essential. Consider it an investment in your health, wellbeing and happiness.
And best of all, the cost of purchasing and running a coffee machine for your home office can be tax deductible. Check with your accountant and be sure to know the breakdown of office use versus home use.
When buying a coffee machine for your home office, it’s important to ask yourself a few key questions.
- What are you going to use your coffee machine for?
- How often are you going to use it?
- What is your budget?
We have compiled some of our favourite coffee machines, ideal for use in a home office. They’re perfect to use for you and any other colleagues or clients during the day and can work perfectly well as a home coffee machine for you and your family. Double the value.
Our Zenius coffee machine starter pack is the perfect introduction to a small commercial coffee machine. The starter pack includes everything you need for a home office coffee machine. It’s also one of our popular choices. The Zenius compact coffee machine can create all your favourite coffees like flat whites and cappuccinos
The starter pack comes with everything you need, including the Zenius coffee machine, an Aeroccino4 milk frother, 400 assorted capsules including Espresso Forte, Ristretto, Espresso Caramel and Lungo Leggero, porcelain cups and saucers, stylish coffee dispenser and hot chocolate powder for cappuccinos and mochas.
Snacks and food
While we’re talking beverages, it’s also important to have easy access to healthy food and snacks and make time for regular meal breaks.
It’s easy to get carried away, knowing you have access to the entire pantry during your working day. But before you eat more than you need to, consider planning your meals and snacks and setting them out on the kitchen bench each morning before you start your work. That way, you’re not tempted to explore the pantry and all it has to offer.
Make time to take a break from your desk for a meal or coffee break. Stepping away from your desk for short breaks is good for productivity. You’re likely to get more done when you’re feeling refreshed and have had a break from your screen.
Noise cancelling headphones
Whether it’s wanting to enjoy your cup of coffee and snacks in peace or needing to concentrate on a deadline, noise cancelling headphones can come in very handy in a home office.
There are many benefits to working from a home office but at times sharing it with a family or young children or even noisy neighbours can be stressful, especially when you have a mountain of work to do and you’re approaching a deadline.
Having a door can be handy to shut the noise out, but if not, noise cancelling headphones can make a huge difference to your productivity, and your sanity.
Invest in a good pair and you won’t regret it.
Now that you have everything you need for a productive working day, you’ll be ticking off deadlines and projects with ease.
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