
Choosing a coffee machine for your home
Nespresso's Vertuo and Original coffee machines make the perfect coffee and are easy to use.
The Vertuo system has a range of coffee blends in five different sizes and can be used to create both hot and cold coffee recipes. It's tailored to cater to your individual taste and about making the best coffee for you. With multiple blends available, from an Espresso, a double Espresso, a Gran Lungo, a Mug, and a larger cup of Alto, enjoy sampling them all before landing on a favourite. With the Aeroccino Milk Frother, you can also create all your favourite café style coffees.
The Original system features over 28 coffee capsules with a range of flavours and blends. It features smaller cup size of Ristretto and Espresso but can also be used to create larger drinks like Lungos and Long Blacks, or speciality recipes such as Cappucinos, Lattes and Iced Coffees. You might prefer your coffee, short or long, caffeinated or decaffeinated. Black or topped with soft, milk foam. The choice is yours.
Barista-style home coffee machines
If you're looking for a coffee machine to unleash your inner barista, the Creatista Uno might be the one for you. It comes with a fully-automatic steam wand and makes creating latte art coffee at home a breeze. You should also consider our Creatista Plus for artistic works of coffee art, and the Creatista Pro for barista style coffees in your home in the most efficient and memorable way.
There are a number of smaller and lighter machines in the Nespresso range. There's the Essenza Mini, a compact 2.3 kilogram machine, in two distinctive shapes and in a range of colours.
The Lattissima Touch, weighing in at 4.2 kilograms, is another star performer in the compact end of the market. Small and light, it will fit into most kitchen spaces. With six one-touch settings, it can make an espresso, cappuccino or creamy latte and might be just what you're looking for.
You might want to practise your barista skills or you might just want a quick, delicious coffee to start your morning. The Lattissima One might be just what you're after with a dishwasher safe milk jug.
Commercial coffee machines for small offices
Are you a small office looking for a commercial coffee machine for staff and clients?
If you're looking to add a coffee machine to your office, we've included some of the standout coffee machines on the market from Nespresso Professional.
Nespresso's Zenius coffee machine starter pack is the perfect introduction to a small commercial coffee machine. Creating classic coffees like flat whites and cappuccinos are easy with the Zenius coffee machine.
The Zenius Starter Pack is a popular choice and best for offices with 5 to 20 staff. It includes the Zenius coffee machine, an Aeroccino4 milk frother, 400 assorted capsules including Espresso Forte, Ristretto, Espresso Caramel and Lungo Leggero, porcelain cups and saucers, stylish coffee dispenser and hot chocolate powder for cappuccinos and mochas.
Corporate coffee machines
With the rising popularity of coffee machines and the ease at which they can be operated, it's a smart business decision for corporate companies to add coffee machines to a staff kitchen, reception area or common staff space.
More and more businesses are looking to offer coffee in-house and provide their staff with extra opportunities to engage and get to know their colleagues. Productivity is also boosted, as fewer staff leave the office for morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
The Gemini 220 commercial coffee machine is designed for a slightly bigger office, of more than 20 employees. It has double head technology with milk frothing function and can prepare two coffees at the same time. It comes with three programmable cup sizes – the Ristretto, Espresso and Lungo.
Coffee solutions for large offices
If you're looking for a coffee machine suitable for large offices of 75 employees or more, look no further. Nespresso's corporate coffee machines offer sophisticated blends with the touch of a button. Not only does Nespresso offer the latest, easy-to-use technology in its coffee machines, it also offers a selection of the finest coffee capsules to satisfy all coffee lovers.
Aguila 220
One of our popular commercial coffee machines is the Aguila 220. Offering barista-style milk quality with just the touch of a button, it's perfect for high volume demands. Like having your own barista, the Aguila 220 has pre-set milk recipes to deliver the very best quality.
Aguila 440
The Aguila 440 commercial coffee machine delivers a complete barista experience. It too, offers barista-style coffee. It provides consistent in-cup quality and is suited for high volume offices. Whether it's a flat white, espresso, macchiato, cappuccino or latte, the Aguila 440 can make it in minutes.
Nespresso Professional will also deliver your machine and orders with more than 300 capsules for free. Service doesn't stop there, with the after-sales service team available to help with supplies, maintenance and technical services.
If you'd like more advice on the best types of coffee machines for your home or office needs, get in touch. Pop into one of our boutique to see our machines, talk with our experienced staff and sample our coffee blends.
If you're a commercial operation, Nespresso Professional's specialists can give you an appraisal of your coffee needs. From there, they'll recommend the Nespresso Professional solution for your office and offer easy payment options to help you get your coffee machines up and running.
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