
Simplicity itself and a marriage made in heaven. Relax and enjoy this ultra easy after-dinner indulgence.

Icon - Inspiration - Level
Icon - Time 20 min. Icon - Level Easy

Here is what you need


Icon - Person {{ persons }}
  • capsule of Grand Cru Roma or Ristretto or Arpeggio or Capriccio or Livanto or Volluto or Cosi or Master Origin India or Master Origin Colombia or Master Origin Nicaragua or Vivalto Lungo or Fotissio Lungo or Linizio Lungo or Decaffeinato or Decaffeinato Lungo or Decaffeinato Intenso
  • scoop of vanilla ice_cream
  • Cappuccino cup (170 ml / 6 oz)
  • Ritual water glass (110 ml / 3.7 oz)


  • Cappuccino cup (170 ml / 6 oz)
  • Ritual water glass (110 ml / 3.7 oz)

How to make this recipe?

  • Prepare the coffee in the cup
  • Prepare an ice cream in the Ritual Water glass and finally pour the hot Grand Cru on the icecream

Recommended Nespresso coffees

Picto - Capsule - Classic
Capriccio 5 Chart - Intensity
Arpeggio 9 Chart - Intensity
Cosi 4 Chart - Intensity
Volluto 4 Chart - Intensity
Roma 8 Chart - Intensity
Livanto 6 Chart - Intensity
Ristretto 10 Chart - Intensity
Vivalto Lungo 4 Chart - Intensity
Fortissio Lungo 8 Chart - Intensity
Linizio Lungo 4 Chart - Intensity
Volluto Decaffeinato 4 Chart - Intensity
Arpeggio Decaffeinato 9 Chart - Intensity
Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato 4 Chart - Intensity
Capriccio 5 Chart - Intensity
Arpeggio 9 Chart - Intensity
Cosi 4 Chart - Intensity
Volluto 4 Chart - Intensity
Roma 8 Chart - Intensity
Livanto 6 Chart - Intensity
Ristretto 10 Chart - Intensity
Vivalto Lungo 4 Chart - Intensity
Fortissio Lungo 8 Chart - Intensity
Linizio Lungo 4 Chart - Intensity
Volluto Decaffeinato 4 Chart - Intensity
Arpeggio Decaffeinato 9 Chart - Intensity
Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato 4 Chart - Intensity

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  • Icon - Time 20 min.
  • Icon - Level Easy


  • Cappuccino cup (170 ml / 6 oz)
  • Ritual water glass (110 ml / 3.7 oz)

Recommended Nespresso coffees


  • capsule of Grand Cru Roma or Ristretto or Arpeggio or Capriccio or Livanto or Volluto or Cosi or Master Origin India or Master Origin Colombia or Master Origin Nicaragua or Vivalto Lungo or Fotissio Lungo or Linizio Lungo or Decaffeinato or Decaffeinato Lungo or Decaffeinato Intenso
  • scoop of vanilla ice_cream


Icon - Inspiration - Level

How to make this recipe?

  • Prepare the coffee in the cup
  • Prepare an ice cream in the Ritual Water glass and finally pour the hot Grand Cru on the icecream

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